[인권보고서] Massacre in Meiktila and Justice Unaddressed(Eng.) (2016)
[인권보고서] Massacre in Meiktila and Justice Unaddressed(Eng.) (2016)
주소 : 서울시 성동구 왕십리로 115 헤이그라운드 서울숲점 G402호 | 전화번호 : 82-2-568-7723 | 이메일 주소 : adi@adians.net
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유엔 ECOSOC 특별협의지위 자격단체
기재부 고시 지정기부금단체 (기부금영수증 발부)
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The Massacre of Muslims by the Buddhist-nationalist mob group took place on March 20, 2013 in Meikthilar, Myanmar, and continued for 3 days. 43 people died, 86 people were injured, and 13,000 people were displaced.