[기타발간물]Stories from Shanti Khana, <Reflection, Care, Discovery>

조회수 2069


ADI has assisted Rohingya refugee women who were forced to migrate from Myanmar to Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, We have helped them to reflect on themselves as well as the reality they faced. Together, we have also reflected on the psychological pain they experienced as victims of the massacre by the Myanmar military, the social isolation, and the sociocul - tural restrictions they have experienced in the Rohingya community. We have helped them examine their own pain, thoughts, and feelings. And within this process, we have encouraged and inspired them to discover inner serenity, abundance, and the resources to live.


ADI has helped Rohingya refugee women care for them - selves and their communities based on reflections on the realities they have faced. Women in recovery comfort themselves with compassion by holding their breath and stroking their bodies to transform dark energy into bright energy. We need courage to take care of ourselves. We want women to let go of sadness, fear, anger, and worry and recover by connecting with each other in serenity, love, and gratitude.


We want women to discover precious resources in their lives. Reflection creates the courage to comfort and care for oneself. When we stand up with courage, we find that we appreciate and value those around us who are connected to us through love and gratitude. Then, our eyes open up to the surroundings. As we look around, we begin to see our neighbors and the local community. I discover myself, we discover ourselves, and we begin to discover our relationships as well. We will see women who overcome their pain, reach out to all those who suffer, and together create hope for the future. We believe the harsh winter will pass and a warm spring will bloom again.

주소 : 서울시 성동구 왕십리로 115  헤이그라운드 서울숲점 G402호  | 전화번호 : 82-2-568-7723 | 이메일 주소 : adi@adians.net 

고유번호 : 859-82-00276 | 대표자 : 박상훈

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